Has TeeJay X6 Uncovered A New Hip Hop Genre? “Scam Rap” – High End Radio

Has TeeJay X6 Uncovered A New Hip Hop Genre? “Scam Rap”

Teejayx6 whispers into the ear of an aspiring young scammer in need of guidance: “You need a fake ID.” The 18-year-old rapper, who’s recently gone viral thanks to his brazenly specific scam-based songs about identity theft and credit card fraud, is holding court at a self-proclaimed “scammer convention” inside of a Manhattan streetwear store. Seasoned scammers, future scammers, and the scam-curious form an orderly line in front of him—they’re all in a trance as if the pope is about to give a benediction from the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Teejay AirDrops scamming strategies to a select few, and pulls others aside to give them one-on-one advice that they jot down on their phones before leaving swiftly with a business handshake. One teenager in a black Vlone tee, holding two brand new iPhone 10s that he procured by following Teejay’s methods, gingerly walks up to the rapper and says, “I wouldn’t have this sauce without you.”


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Curator, podcast host, online marketing, content creator

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