Get Your Music The Most Plays On Spotify – High End Radio

Get Your Music The Most Plays On Spotify

In an era where entertainment streaming is bigger than ever before, there’s no doubt that platforms like Spotify have morphed the music industry into a whirlwind of instant gratification. If you’re an artist or label trying to get your music out there, it can often feel like you’re a needle in the haystack. Luckily there are several techniques you can use to bolster your online presence through Spotify.


Email campaigns can often feel tedious and futile with everyone climbing over the top of one another in an attempt to get their music heard. However sites like Submithub allow artists to send their music to blogs, labels, YouTube channels and other social networking platforms to be reviewed for promotion. More importantly, it’s perhaps the fastest and easiest way to get your music onto popular Spotify playlists. Contrary to mass promotion, Submithub allows users to receive feedback on their work significantly quicker, and allows artists and labels to distribute content over a vast array of different online platforms. The cost per submission can be anywhere US $0 for a ‘standard submission’ to a blog and anywhere between $1USD to $3USD for a premium submission which essentially means you’re more likely to get a response if you drop the dollars. Worth every penny in our opinion.

Just as a disclaimer, one of Submithub’s key features is that you can receive direct constructive criticism from the blogs themselves, so be prepared to take criticism before you go for it!

Check out Submithub here:


IndieMono are a playlisting company behind some of the most widely listened playlists on Spotify. With a vast collection of playlists spanning all genres of music, their output has become ubiquitous, shedding a spotlight on artists both established and underground. The good news about IndieMono is that they allow musicians to submit their own music to be added to playlists, whether you’re a young buck just starting out or a seasoned professional. Submitting music to IndieMono is pretty straightforward, just browse their playlists here, find one that best suits your style and click “Submit”. There is also an option to submit your music for feedback. A decent number of these playlists are free to submit to, so fill your boots!