Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied: How Another Black Man Name James Evans Was Framed In An Illinois Murder Case (Part I) – High End Radio

Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied: How Another Black Man Name James Evans Was Framed In An Illinois Murder Case (Part I)



To those of you who follow our brand, you recognize that the music and entertainment isn’t the only thing that we blog about. The issues that affect US, as a culture, extends far beyond your favorite artist. There are real people who still deal with the struggles of poverty, discrimination, and the injustices caused by our judicial system. One case in particular involves James Evans, who after being in prison over 20yrs, to this day claims his innocence.

The crime involves the alleged murder of two black men, who the prosecutors of  Madison County, IL say , James Evan took part in both. We are shedding some light on this case because in a recent article written by David Adams.

There has been reports of police misconduct, witness and evidence tampering, and a countless number of coerced testimonies by individuals who were looking to have their sentences shortened. There are also accusations that detectives and prosecutors may have had personal interest in taking on this high-profile case.

In a four part series of articles written by David Adams, that includes times, dates and public avadavat from the Madison County court. You will be floored by the extent and levels of corruption of those who sworn to uphold the law.

Read Part(1 of 4) of Justice Delayed is Justice Denied here

