White Cop Gets 15 Years For False Story About Being Shot By A Black Man – High End Radio

White Cop Gets 15 Years For False Story About Being Shot By A Black Man

Butts County, Georgia police officer will be spending the next 15 years in the slammer after she made up a story about getting shot by an African-American man!

Sherry Hall got on her police radio and told her fellow po-po officers how she got shot in the chest by a black man. Back in September 2016 and she described the male as a “6-foot, 230-pound African-American man wearing a green shirt and black jogging pants”. The bullet was found in her bullet proof vest, so luckily she didn’t suffer any injuries.  

Butts County residents and law enforcement were on alert and fear  “of shootings of law enforcement officers nationwide that were said to be in retaliation for white officers killing black men.“

It was only a matter of time before everyone realized that sis was out here lying! Once the jury reviewed all the evidence, it was clear that she not only lost it, but tried to put it on a Black man at that. Her story didn’t even hold up in court once they started going over the all the evidence.